Letter to the Editor: Solutions


Dear Editor
I’m 76 years old and frankly reaching “the end of the road”: I’m old! I went to Vietnam; I’ve spent my life in education and trying to embrace partnerships and solutions. I’m tired. And frankly neither I nor we as a nation or as a world have the time to keep embracing, ducking or wiping the “bullsh*t” constantly and ever more enthusiastically being shoveled at us.
Do we want solutions or just to “Get a Gun”. Just slap yourself upside the head and look yourself in the mirror.
News flash:
Violence is right here, not in black ghettos.
Lack of morality is right here, not among the “Elite” on the coasts or among immigrants.
Drugs are right here, not coming across the border.
Racism is right here, in our fear of “the other”, not in the resentment of blacks, Muslims, Asians or Hispanics. They’ve been shot, raped, bombed and hung systemically for centuries, right here and if we persist in doing it, excusing it, or pretending it didn’t or doesn’t happen, hey, they’re human beings, they will resist, and it doesn’t matter how many pit bulls or AR-15s you can muster, you’re up “Schitts Creek”.
Laziness is right here, definitely not with Hispanics, blacks, Asians, Jews or any immigrant.
Solutions? Simple:
Embrace God, his love and his blessed creation, duh, the only home we’ve got. And that home is going away, right now, faster and faster!

Embrace your fellow man however he/she presents themselves, they are the only way toward our salvation.
Embrace learning, inclusiveness and diversity. – It won’t kill you and it may save your soul.
Embrace opening up your children to the above, every day throughout their lives.
Embrace our constitution and the imperative of our God blessed & embraced potential for compromise.
Cast aside ignorance, fear and blaming of others, whoever and whatever they are.
Embrace facts…. Not idiotic social media posts!!!
Let’s look at some of the kneejerk pejoratives of that idiocy: Abortion, guns, deficit spending, “Drill baby drill”, Covid medications, “Woke”, the self-victimization of the white working/middle class. Oh the horrors!!
If you want to look to our and God’s enemies, they are pretty darn easy to find. They fund and constantly, joyously voice that idiocy: the corrupt and power hungry rich – they will pick your/our pockets and then, beloved; they will gleefully gut us like a fish…. And, while they are present in both of our political parties, they are not only hugely present, but lasciviously and ravenously so with what we, in years past were proud to call “the party of Lincoln”. They have their knives out and sharpened and they will ravenously devour us.
Look in the mirror, look at yourself in your eyes, think about your kids, your grandkids, read, listen, talk, interact and, …. vote. It’s not too late…. But, my beloved, I guarantee it will be on Nov. 6th!

Jim Martin