Letter to the Editor: Truth and Accountability


Dear Editor,

Perry County is a unique and blessed community. We are somewhat diverse yet strive to adhere to a Judeo-Christian moral and ethical code of which is the root of who we are as a community. In my opinion, if we desire to adhere by the moral and ethical code as set forth by the Bible and our Judeo-Christian heritage, we are held to a higher standard. We then can say that those standards include truth and accountability.

Truth and accountability are at the root of most success stories, and I am hopeful that we, as a county and as a community, are functioning in all truth and accountability. Only God sees the hearts and motives of His children. I cannot speak on behalf of others, however, for myself, each day I pray the words of Psalm 139, “You have searched me, Lord, and You know me…You perceive my thoughts from afar…You are familiar with all my ways.” Nothing that I do, say, or think is hidden from Him. He is my accountability. I’m not perfect in any way and I know I will never meet perfection until I am in heaven with Jesus.

I would like to address the process of vetting. I will address this from a Republican standpoint since vetting is currently a Republican process. So why do some of us desire vetting? For far too long many serving at the helm of the Republican party; public servants, legislators and beyond, have strayed to the left leaving behind some of the most cherished values of the Republican platform. Many are Republicans in name only by which they carry the name of Republican, however, their actions and their voting records indicate otherwise. Vetting is the process where candidates are asked to answer questions pertaining to the Republican Platform and the principles contained therein. They are then held to account for their actions and voting records. Just as we all are when we work for others.

Therefore, a group of Grassroots Republican citizens from across this great state of Missouri, have come together to ensure accountability as mentioned above, from our leadership. Within this group are teachers, business owners and leaders, attorney’s, medical professionals, church leaders, and everyday citizens who desire to protect and guard our God given freedoms and liberties. To date there are over 300 leaders currently running for office that have been vetted including some that are vying for positions at the highest levels of the Missouri State Government.

If you are a Republican and you desire to represent the citizens of the Republican Party, why would you not want to be vetted and certified as an individual who will adhere to these principles? Many of these principles also adhere to the Biblical principles contained in God’s Word.

If you have further questions about vetting, I am willing to help answer them. It is truly better to be an informed and educated citizen. You are also free to check out the website at REPACCMO.com

Tammy Palisch
Vice Chair
Perry County Republican Central Committee