POSL fall league signups have begun


The Perryville Optimist Soccer League will once again be hosting the Fall 2022 Soccer Season
The season will run August through October (seven weeks)
All kids going into Pre-K (four by August 1st) through 8th grade have an opportunity to play recreational soccer at The Bank of Missouri Soccer Complex.
The cost to particpate for PreK and K is $30 while 1st Grade - 8th Grade is $40

Teams will play a minimum of seven games which will be distributed throughout the weeks following the start of the season. Pre-K and Kindergarten teams play on Wednesdays and Saturdays. First and second grade through third and fourth grade play on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fifth and sixth along with and seventh and eigth grade is scheduled on Mondays and Saturdays.
Player will be placed in league division based on school grade of the 2022/2023 school year. Player must not exceed maximum age requirements for each division. Max age set by POSL. The league reserves the right to request a copy of a current Grade Card and Birth Certificate.
The league must be able to field at least three teams for a Pre-K Girls and Kindergarten Girls division to be made. If it is unable to fill all those spots, the league will automatically merge the registered girls with the coed division.
The registration deadline is July 22.
Additional information can be found at perryvillesoccer.org.