Letter to the Editor: Tradition matters


Dear Editor,
From the Saxon hills of Germany to the French countryside in France to the very wisely frugal Dutch these are the men and women (yes, men and women) who prospered our community and blazed a trail for us!
We are warriors true and strong and we are Indians brave and fierce and we are hearty, rabble-rousing Pirates standing proud!
Symbols matter!
There are rumors and whispers of change. They say our symbols are too offensive, they say they make others feel uncomfortable, but in reality, very few really feel that way!
The reality is a small group of progressive folks — people we know — are pushing daily to tear down traditional values, such as church, nuclear family values, pro-life stances, and our rich history and what it means to us and the true pride we take in it as a community.

Perry County, I encourage you to stand firm in your values and resist divisive, racist ideology like Critical Race Theory that has infected our school district that’s sole purpose is to divide and dilute our once proud community.
Whose pride do they want you to follow into the future?
It’s not the one that brought us here to our home!
Folks, we are better than that. Our Christian values lead us to love our neighbors as ourselves and, as for me and my house, we will love all of our neighbors!

Keith Alexander Carroll