Jesus wants us to know He is the truth


Knowing the truth is very important. But there is a question that has been asked by many all down through the years. In John 18:38 we see when Jesus was taken to Pilate’s judgment hall that “Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?” Pilate couldn’t see the Truth, even though the greatest Truth of all time was standing right before him.
What is truth? In the Gospel of John 14:6; “Jesus saith unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life:…”
But, there are so many voices around us. Lies, lies, and seemingly mountains of lies seem to abound. Decievers are everywhere.
A great truth is: Satan is the great deceiver, but Jesus is the Revealer. From working through the serpent in Genesis and tempting Jesus in the wilderness, to working through the various news media agencies, social media, friends, neighbors, and even family, Satan continues to deceive. Scams come from every direction.
But here is a truth; any time you bring Jesus into the situation, Satan is unmasked and his plans for your life are exposed and foiled. Satan is referred to in Scripture as “darkness,” and Jesus as “light.” John 8:12; “Then spake Jesus again unto them (scribes and Pharisees), saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
The moment the light moves in, the darkness has to move out. So your first priority is not to conquer Satan, but move closer to Jesus. GET THAT? Move closer to Jesus.
Line up your will and your word with His will and His Word. Instead of lying down, taking it, and saying, “I guess there’s nothing I can do about this,” (whatever it is) rise up in faith and say, “Satan, it is written.”
Faced with a level of temptation none of us will ever be exposed to, Jesus did this to Satan in the wilderness.
He used the Word of Truth. As the record reads in Matthew 4:11 NKJV; “Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.”

Here lately we have heard and seen of sky-rocketing inflation, prices of needed things increasing astronomically; we have heard of faults and flaws within what should be our greatest leaders; we hear of scams and stealing from every imaginable source; we have witnessed bankers and brokers taking people’s money, lose it, then later come back and say, “Here’s another fool proof plan, invest in it!”
Do we know better than to buy these wonderful things that we are told we cannot do without?
Do we believe an investment is good; a product is just what we need; a vote guarantees our next leader will be righteous; a government leader is our hope for the future; just because somebody says so?
Don’t miss the spiritual analogy here. When you know the Truth of God’s Word and you use Him as a weapon, Satan’s walls crumble; evil plans for you come unglued; and, devilish schemes fall apart.
When you understand who you are “in Christ,” you are more than a match for evil and untruths will no longer control your life.
Jesus is “… the way, the truth, and the life:”
There are liars, and the father of liars. There are deceivers, and the father of deceivers.
Jesus Christ is “the light of the world.” And His Word is Truth. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Won’t you make Jesus the Lord and Manager of your life? He will make you free.
Rev. Dr. John I Chamness is pastor of the Family Worship Center A/G in Chester. He may be reached by phone at 573-547-7634 or by email at