Go ahead and pray with confidence


Have you ever struggled with knowing how to pray? The Bible has answers. Here are some things we can know when we pray, that help us draw near with confidence before the throne of grace. Jesus has won the right for us to stand before God.
We are allowed to come into God’s presence in prayer because God accepts Jesus’ sacrifice on behalf of those who have repented and believed in the Gospel.
Those who have been born again walk into the presence on God, wearing the righteousness that Jesus has given them out of his kindness and grace.
If you feel not good enough to pray, know that Jesus is good enough and he is willing to cover you.
There is also a prayer that serves as an example for those who love God. We often quote the Lord’s Prayer and that is fine. This prayer is to be an example for how to approach God. Jesus said pray like this.
Don’t be afraid to talk to God, just follow the example that Jesus set.

Finally, know this sweet truth as well. Jesus makes intercession for us. Intercession means that Jesus is our go between.
He speaks to God on our behalf. If you are worried about getting the words wrong, know that Jesus is standing before God having made sacrifice for our sins, rejoicing to see the work that he has done take root in the heart of one who will come to him.
Go ahead and pray. John Bunyan said: “Nothing pleases him more than to give what he has away; and to bestow it upon the poor and needy.”
The old hymn, “Rock of Ages,” agrees.
This is the start of the third verse: “Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy cross I cling.”
Benjamin Chapman is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Perryville. He may be reached by phone at 573-547-4644 or by email at bechappy@gmail.com.