Following God in high places


This writer was looking at a part of the history of the nation of Israel’s golden age as recorded in 1 Kings 3 when I noticed a thought that is pertinent for today, as well.
The Word says in 3:3; “And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places.” Verse 4 continues; “And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there; for that was the great high place: a thousand burnt offerings did Solomon offer upon that altar.”
Now, the Word goes on to tell how God was pleased with Solomon and asked what He could give Solomon for honoring Him with his sacrifices. Perhaps you know or remember the story.
Solomon asked for an “understanding heart” to be able to judge or make right decisions for his and God’s people. God complied with the request and gave Solomon wisdom, knowledge, and also such great wealth that no one before or since could be his match.
What I see in the verses mentioned and others: Solomon was a very young person (see v.7) who loved God. But there was a problem. He walked according to his father David. He loved God, but followed a man. Does that say anything to you? Can we do both? Remember the first 3 commandments.
Because Solomon followed man, he sacrificed and worshipped in areas called high places. We might liken these to sports palaces, night clubs, places of entertainment, man’s ways but not necessarily God’s places.
You see, God has “high places”, too. But they are not like those mentioned. His places are real “high places.” Did you know God’s “high places” are known usually as His Churches?

At some point Solomon went to Gibeon; a special place of God and a “higher” place. Somehow Solomon did not at that time follow the crowd, but went to God’s special place and there he sacrificed and worshipped God.
It was when Solomon returned to God, worshipped Him in God’s special place that God began to speak with him, share His heart for His people, and granted answers to Sol’s prayers.
Here, we look at what Solomon asked of God: (v.9) “Give to your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, that I may discern between good and bad:” He was asking God to enable him to be a blessing to people; make right decisions concerning people; know the difference between right and wrong; help himself and people to stand for the right and not be part of the wrong.
For his prayer, God was very pleased (v.10).
If we will stop following man and man’s ways; come where God’s special places are; determine we are going to depart from the bad and hold on to the good; realize how God feels about His people and goodness; “ask”, “seek”, and “knock” on God’s door. Don’t you think God will do the same for us (see James 1:5)?
1 Kings 3:15 says, “Solomon awoke; …came to Jerusalem (don’t we still know how special that place is), and stood before the Lord, and offered up (his worship), and made a feast to all his servants.”
I hope you didn’t miss the first part: Sol stopped following man and began to follow God with sincerity. Won’t you? There are a number of “high places” that are demon driven; there are a number of “higher places” that are God’s special places. Hope we see you in God’s special place.
Rev. Dr. John I Chamness is pastor of the Family Worship Center A/G in Chester. He may be reached by phone at 573-547-7634 or by email at