Christ is our basic identity


It has become somewhat of a cliché to say that we live in contentious, divisive times. An important next question to ask is: What difference can the Church make? How should Christ’s people navigate these divisive days? Should Christians seek refuge amongst those who think as we do on various social issues? Should we pursue our sense of righteousness in being right on an issue or should we take refuge only in the Lord? Of course, we all know the right answer to that question.
But we also know from experience how much of a struggle that can be! It is far easier for us to eat, drink, and talk with those who think like us, those who love what we love and hate what we hate. Unfortunately, it is in our nature to give ourselves far too much credit. It is far too easy for us to become blind to our own flaws and fail to take the fears of others seriously.
Thankfully, God has given us a better way forward in these times. And it starts by acknowledging this: The Father has already put us into a box of his own making. We are glorious lumped together by God himself! Paul shows us what this “lump” or “box” is—Christ Jesus himself! “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28). This promise shows us what our common ground is. Our “substance,” our deepest “truth” resides in the crucified and resurrected body of our Lord and Savior! Believers are one in Christ, whether we eagerly admit it or not.
God has also not put this matter up for a “free will” vote. He knows better than to do that! Against the protests of our old natures, God has given us brand new identities. We do not self-identify as Christians. Rather, it is God who identifies us as his daughters and sons, his holy priesthood, in Jesus Christ. “Christ-ians” are what we are first and last. Forgiven, blood-bought saints are who we are, deep down, beneath all the labels we put upon ourselves.
And being Christ’s is all the identity that we need, all the honor worth having. A Christian way forward in these crazy times begins by remembering that. Christian, your ultimate identity is not in your citizenship, occupation, political viewpoint, personality trait, or social media following. You are in Christ. You are a member of Jesus. He loves you and has redeemed you. Your body and soul—past, present, and future—belong to him! He has washed your sins away by his shed blood. He has given you his righteousness, his good standing, before the Creator himself. He has fulfilled the Law for you.

So, the next time you feel threatened because someone does not share your views, remember: Jesus has you. You are not going to lose your salvation just by listening to another viewpoint. You are not less loved by God even if you find yourself in the wrong place on any given issue. There is no need to get defensive.
And then, having remembered God’s love for you, remember God’s love for the sister or brother with whom you disagree. She or he is as much forgiven and sanctified as you are—for Jesus’ sake, of course. Like you, this person may not always see clearly. Like you, she or he has sins that need repenting from. Like you, she or he is held in the grip of God’s grace. If God will not give up on this person, neither should you.
None of this is to say that everything will be easily smoothed out. In this life, we know and see only “in part” (1 Cor. 13:12). But God loves us in Jesus Christ. That is who we are. And that is where we will always begin with one another again and again until we all come Home.

Rev. Christopher Seah is the pastor at Faith Presbyterian Church in Perryville as well as Brazeau Presbyterian Church. He can be reached by email at