Letter to the Editor: We Rise Together or Fail


Dear Editor

Trump 2024.

After all the glorifying, PCMH accolades in last week’s letter, PCHS board of directors’ president stated, “There are no secrets at PCMH.” What an insult to us.

People want to know the BIG WHY PCMH lost millions, a 5-star rating and a listing in the top ten small acute care facilities. In 2017, the ratings dropped to 1. Many experts consider this downturn rating a path to closure. I asked the hospital CEO, “Why don’t you just fix it?” He replied simply, “It can’t be fixed.” His answer was just as ridiculous as the President of PCHS’s “There are no secrets.” Many patients tell us they do not trust PCHS.

I read the PCHS explanation of how government mandates, staffing and insurance payments were the problems. Well, government mandates are of concern but not meant to bankrupt hospitals. Staffing can be shared at a price, and insurance competition is here to stay. This is everyday life in every hospital’s operation and can be managed. The public knows something stinks on Hospital Lane and have elected three new trust and transparency Trustees to get answers.

Trump’s acceptance offered “WE RISE TOGETHER OR WE FAIL.” Words of wisdom and facts. They apply in every situation. Let’s apply this logic to our hospital. PCHS began to manage our hospital in 1997. PCMH prospered, grew and all was well. The adage, “We rise together or fail,” has come home to bite.

The fact that PCHS has only had secret meetings for 25 years indicates they have no concerns for public thought and is the subject of a lawsuit. Yes, PCMH prospered initially, but it did not rise together nor adhere to truth and transparency. What happened to cause its rating to fall from 5 to 1?

The hospital rating is still barely a 2! My point is, “All is not a bed of roses” at PCHS. We need to make changes to help sustain what is left of PCMH and we need to do it together. PCHS, the Board of Trustees and County Commissions lost the public’s trust, and they failed because we did not do it together.

We have been told that, “You are going to cause us to lose this hospital. $160,000 rent is a good deal. Quit wasting our time and money. We have to look forward, not backwards.” We have been demonized and, lastly being recently threatened, “I’m coming after you, and I’m going to get you.” In my opinion, the Trustees are dealing with totally defiant entities: PCHS, two residual trustees and three County Commissioners that say everything is great. Everyone knows the Mercy deal is lousy: $160,000 rent as the $2,250,000 fair value. I challenge the Board of Directors and the County Commission to answer any and all questions in an open forum. What excuse will they use when our hospital fails?

Let’s fix it together and Never Fail Again.

Thank you,

Dr. Joe Hutchson