SV schools to adopt new administrative model


Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, St. Vincent de Paul Schools will be incorporating a new administrative model for their schools. This past school year, the school and archdiocese of St. Louis began to search for the best possible way to ensure sustainability, increase Catholic identity, operate the church and school more efficiently, and clarify the roles of all positions.
In this search, St. Vincent Catholic Schools has decided to transition to a new president-principal model of administration. This model offers the potential of the most benefits that will help ensure all of the factors the school was looking for. It will assist the school administration to give more focus on the school operations and the pastor and associate pastors will be able to focus on their spiritual duties for the parishes of Perry County.
In tandem with this decision, St. Vincent de Paul Schools are happy to announce that the Congregation of the Mission Western Province is assisting the change with the assignment of Father Ranjan Lima to Perryville as the Associate Principal of St. Vincent Catholic Jr/Sr High School.
Mr. Zachary Stobart, current Head of Schools and Jr/Sr High School Principal have been asked to step into the role of St. Vincent School President and will oversee the finances, student and staff programs, grounds, buildings, and maintenance of schools, while also assisting Father Lima as he gets accustomed to the administrative duties of the Jr/Sr High.

In a letter that was distributed to St. Vincent families and on the school’s social media, Stobart said he is excited to move St. Vincent into the future with the new model.
“These last two years I have been at St. Vincent have been incredibly special for me personally. Getting to know the families, staff, students, supporters and schools has been a wonderful experience and has confirmed my decision to join you,” he said. “I look forward to continuing to work for you all in order to make St. Vincent the best school It can be.”
This new administrative model has been presented and accepted by both the St. Vincent de Paul Parish Council and School Advisory Board. It has been recommended by the school’s advancement and enrollment consulting firm Partners in Mission, and supported by the Archdiocese of St. Louis as well as the Congregation of the Mission Western Province.
St. Vincent administration looks forward to the opportunities this change will bring, and the progress that they have at their doorstep in the community.