Aldermen consider request for bicycle rack on city square


The Perryville Board of Alderman met Tuesday, June 18, to address several items, including a bicycle rack in the square.

According to Perryville City Administrator Brent Buerck, a request was made to either install or move a bicycle rack in the vicinity of Villainous Grounds Comics, Coffee and More, due to an excess number of bikes being left on the sidewalk outside the shop. Some were concerned about bikes being tied to objects in front of the store, creating a hazard for those trying to walk by or enter the store.

Buerck noted that there was discussion about whether the city should move an existing bicycle rack to the immediate vicinity of Villainous Grounds or install a new one.

“We decided that we are going to go ahead and get a new one for that area of the square,” Buerck said. “We considered moving the Eagle Scout Project bicycle rack in front of Enterprise Bank, but we just decided to go ahead and begin the process of getting a new one.”

It is unclear when the new bicycle rack will be added to the square.

The board of alderman passed a bill accepting utility easements from residents and Perry County School District No. 32 for an ongoing water main improvement project.

Every year, the Perryville Public Works Department budgets to improve the city’s water infrastructure. For this year’s project, the city has partnered with Horner & Schifrin out of St. Louis and Baer Engineering to replace the aging four-inch cast iron water main in Ward 1.

According to Public Works Director Jeff Layton, replacing the undersized main will improve fire flows to 14 hydrants in that area, which service residential homes.

“By doing this, this will improve water quality and reliability for that residential area,” Layton said. “The city has been budgeting to upsize and replace aging water main infrastructure for years and will continue to do so as the city grows and expands.”

The current aging four-inch cast iron water main lines are undersized and could cause potential main breaks and restrict water flow throughout the city.

Other items discussed during the board of alderman meeting included renaming McDonald’s Court to St. Catherine Laboure Court, an update on the pool leak at the Perry Park Center, and other reports and consent agenda items.