God leaves nothing unfinished


Glen Packiam wrote a devotional for the October 5 Our Daily Bread in which he recalls being asked as a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” His answer would often change. At various times he wanted to be a doctor, a firefighter, a missionary, a worship leader, or a physicist. At one point he even wanted to be MacGyver, his favorite television character.
Packiam now has four children of his own. As a parent his perspective is quite different from when he was a child. He sometimes reflects on the fact that it can be difficult for his children when they are asked about their future job plans. The dad observes, “There are times when I want to say, ‘I know what you’ll be great at!’” Parents frequently see more in their children than the youngsters see in themselves.
We sometimes see untapped potential in our children, friends and co-workers. The Apostle Paul was blessed by the believers in Philippi and told them he thanked God every time he thought about them. (Philippians 1:3) He saw great promise in them and prayed for them.
More than 15 years ago I asked my friend Cindy to consider teaching a class each Sunday. She was certain she could not, but agreed to try. The class was blessed by her love and encouragement and it became a wonderful source of fulfillment to her as well. On numerous occasions Cindy has thanked me for seeing potential in her that she had not seen in herself.

Yesterday, I spent 30 minutes on the phone with a friend whose husband unexpectedly died two weeks ago. She is beginning a long journey of grief and is currently overwhelmed with confusion and pain. I did my best to encourage her, but I know at this point she cannot comprehend all that she is going to learn about herself, her family and even God in the months ahead.
However, whether we see him or not God is at work in our lives. Shortly after telling the Philippian believers that he was grateful for them, Paul penned one of my favorite verses in scripture. He explained, “…I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished…” (Philippians 1:6, NLT)
When we struggle, we are often tempted to believe our lives are over long before they are. The apostle’s perceptive words remind us that when we want to give up and check out, we need to remember that our story is not over. God leaves nothing unfinished.
During four decades as a pastor, Tim Richards has served five churches, three in rural Missouri and two in St. Louis. He may be reached by email at iamtimrichards@yahoo.com.