Board of aldermen approve payments for sewage projects


The Perryville Board of Aldermen, meeting in regular session July 2 in council chambers at city hall, discussed the Northeast Outfall Sewer Replacement and School Street Lift Station projects, among other agenda items.

As part of its consent agenda, the board approved a pay estimate from Zoellner Construction Company for the School Street Lift Station Improvement project in the amount of $145,940.36 and another from Schuessler Excavation, LLC, for the Northeast Outfall Sewer Replacement project in the amount of $260,889.76.

According to City Administrator Brent Buerck, the projects have been in progress for five or six years. With the opening of a brand-new Oxidation Ditch Wastewater Treatment Plant in September, the trunk line that moves waste from the city to the plant required replacement.

“We're getting close to the last phase,” he said. “This is a huge project for the community because our goal is to eliminate sewage from getting in people's basements to the nth degree if we can. By redoing this line, we will be able to push all the sewage out of the community much faster through a different route.

“Right now, a lot of it is going from the School Street Lift Station and then picking up more sewage as it goes through some residential neighborhoods. That's created a problem at times for the people lower on the line because their sewers are backed up.”

Because this will allow a direct conduit for sewage out of town, Buerck believes it will significantly impact the number of people having sewage backups in their basements. He estimates the project's total cost will be six to eight million dollars by the time it is complete.

Other actions made regarding consent agenda items:

– The board approved a $23,241.56 purchase of a changer/balancer machine from Auto Tire and Parts.

“We received a state bid for $23,873.80,” Buerck said. “We also reached out to the local supplier, Auto Tire and Parts, and received a bid of $23,241.56. The staff recommended purchasing from Auto Tire and Parts because they were able to beat the state bid and are a local vendor. This equipment purchase was budgeted in the Capital Improvement Plan. This machine will allow us to do bigger tires and upgrade our current 15-year-old machine.”

– On the recommendation of City Engineer Tim Baer, the board accepted a $136,970 bid from Earth First Contractors for waterline improvements as part of the Schindler Road to Dowling Drive Project. This is a budgeted project to improve water distribution and fire flows to the residential area in the city's southeast section.

– A preliminary plat from Ochs Development for the Sycamore Estates Subdivision was approved. This is the first phase of building five duplex homes to start the subdivision, which will be developed in several phases.

– A preliminary plat from SMSDQ Holdings, LLC; SMS Investment Group, LLC; and LCB Development, LLC was approved contingent upon increased easement widths for development along Vincentian Way.

– A request from Perry County Heritage Tourism to allow food trucks in City Park for its “Picnic in the Park” events was approved for Aug. 6, Sept. 3 and Oct. 1. According to Buerck, all entities desiring to make “private” money in the park must have the permission of the board of aldermen.

– A request to hold the annual Farm-to-Table Community Dinner in downtown Perryville on Sept. 18 at 6:30 p.m. was approved.

“This is a very popular annual event that sells out each year, and all the proceeds support the Downtown Revitalization Committee,” Buerck said. “This year’s event is largely being coordinated by Economic Development Authority Director Crystal Jones.”

Resolutions and bills approved by the board include:

– A resolution entering into an updated retainer agreement with Utility Safety and Design, Inc., relative to engineering services regarding the natural gas system.

“This is our contracted welder and gas engineer,” Buerck said. “As best as we can tell, their previous rates had remained unchanged since roughly 2012.”

– A resolution entering into an agreement with the Saline Creek Grading, LLC, regarding the Perryville Boulevard Shared Use Path – Phase 3 Project.

“This is for the previously approved TAP project connecting the city’s greenway along Perryville Boulevard to Kingshighway,” Buerck said. “It is an 80/20 match with the Missouri Highway Department.”

– A resolution entering into an agreement with PGAV Planners, LLC, regarding planning services to assist in the development of a Zoning Code update.

“Now that the Comprehensive Plan has been finalized, staff has worked with PGAV to secure an agreement on the zoning rewrite,” Buerck said.

– A bill to expedite Ordinance 6729 approves the final plat of SMS Fields Resubdivision contingent upon receipt of easement installation surety, increase of easement widths, and inclusion of easement dedication language. This bill, which included a first and second reading and final passage, related to a pending property sale along Vincentian Way.

– First reading of a bill amending the City of Perryville Prohibited Parking Schedule by deleting Alma Avenue and McDonald’s Court and adding St. Catherine Laboure Court.

– First reading of a bill amending the City of Perryville Stop Sign Ordinance by deleting McDonald’s Court and adding St. Catherine Laboure Court.