The Perry County School District Board discussed several issues including participation from parents in several different ways.
The first of which came in the form of Parent-Teacher Conferences, which were held earlier this month. The participation during the conference was great in the Primary and Elementary Schools, but poor throughout the rest of the other buildings. In the Primary School, attendance was nearly 91 percent, while In the Elementary School 88 percent of the parents attended the conferences.
The same could not be said for the older students as three percent attended in the Middle School, however just the parents of the kids with poor grades were specifically invited. The High School was roughly at 36 percent.
“When I see that I feel like it is low,” Board President Nancy Voelker said. “I feel like we try to get parents the opportunity to speak with teachers, but we are not getting a lot of involvement at some levels.”
The board also did a curriculum meeting and presentation for parents to see the updated format for the curriculum. The meetings were held at each building during the conferences. There were a total of three parents at the four separate meetings combined. The board spent several minutes discussing ways to get more parent involvements at events.
“The number one complaint that we get is that we spam inboxes with too many things,” Communications and Marketing Director Kate Martin said. “The buildings are sending out mass texts individually. We try to keep the mass emails and texts limited to important things.”
District Superintendent Dr. Fara Jones noted that this poor attendance is not unique to just Perry County.