My owner’s manual for problems


I bought a big screen television. I’ve had it about two years. The color is great, images are sharp, but there has been a slight problem with the sound. Because I’m one of those people who think they can fix almost anything, I fiddled with the TVs controls for almost two years. As you might guess, the problem remained.
Then, while going through some magazines, I found the owner’s manual for the TV. Again, as you might guess, the owner’s manual had the answer to my problem with that TV. With this new-found information the problem was solved, even though there is some information in that owner’s manual that I don’t understand. Technical terms and symbols quite often just don’t connect with my understanding, but the information I needed was clear.
Life takes the place of the television in this little story. Trying to cure our problems all by ourselves is present, too.
The point I’m trying to make is that we too have problems we aren’t able to fix, no matter how long and how hard we try. We, too, need an owner’s manual. For children of God, He is the Creator, we are the clients, and the Bible is the manual.
I had my problem with the TV for almost two years, and the solution to that problem was nearby and available all that time. The help we may need with life’s problems is also nearby and available. It may well be in your Bible. There may be some passages you don’t understand. I didn’t understand everything in my TV owner’s manual, but I did understand the information I needed. You might not understand everything in the Scriptures, but I believe what information you need is understandable. If you have worries or problems, as we all do, an answer can be found in the Bible.
The book of Psalms has some answers to life problems. Here are a few examples.

When you are lonely (Psalm 23);
If you are depressed or upset (Psalm 42:5);
You want forgiveness (Psalm 51); and,
God seems far away (Psalm 139:1-12).
One my favorite passages is Romans 8:28-30. This tells me that God is in control and that He will use even the bad things of life I may encounter for good. That’s in the owner’s manual we call the Bible. What is your favorite passage? 
Rev. Gerold McBride is pastor of Lithium Baptist Church in Perry County. He may be reached by email at or by phone at 573-547-8954.