Letter to the Editor: Workforce


Dear Editor,
Perry County is full of vibrant, intuitive, overachieving businesses.
What is one thing they all share in common? It is the desire to find, retain and maintain a highly skilled work force.
That being said, it has become increasingly and nearly impossible for many to locate a conscientious, skilled and attentive workforce.
Factors driving the shortage include, but are not limited to, excessive ongoing assistance from the government for low achieving/ no skill/ no desire individuals.
Lack of solid education promoting hard work and the pride that results from the strong effort of your accomplishment is a major factor. Also, parental expectations have waned in recent years. A recent sentiment is that it is better to be a cool soccer dad than to expect work from your child!
Problems are nothing but non-productive without solutions.

• Some of these solutions may include:
• Promoting the ascension of expectations from parents and grandparents to their children and grandchildren;
• Public school education, focusing on the importance and mind-enriching substance of hard work; and,
Training programs early on as an alternative to traditional education, one example being home health education instead of Algebra 2.
With some creativity and flexibility and hard work we can move forward with confidence in the battle against low expectations!
With all respect,
Keith A. Carroll