Letter to the Editor: To be Christ-like is to not denigrate


Dear Editor,
Our country is losing the values that it was based on. Freedom and liberty don’t mean liberty to do whatever you want or freedom from responsibility.
Yet, a lot of Missourians and Perry County residents lately seem to only care about what they want, not what is good for those around them. I’m talking about a newspaper that continually prints articles and letters that only present one-side of the issue, rather than all opposing viewpoints.

I’m talking about error-ridden letters to the editor that present no facts or statistics, yet claim to represent what is best for everyone. I’m talking about church-going Perry County residents who claim to be pro-life Christians, yet when they actually have a chance to make a difference, they hide behind claims of personal freedom and choice.
When you test positive or show symptoms of a contagious virus, do you think it is Christ-like to wander out in public, doing whatever you want, without any care for the safety of those around you? Do you think it is Christ-like to denigrate those who actually take precautions for the safety of those who are susceptible to this virus? You are not pro-life, you’re pro-birth. You claim personal choice and freedom from the government when it comes to a vaccine, but somehow you think the government can tell a woman what to do or not do with her body. You only want the government to recognize your choices, not those of anyone else.
Margie Maples,