Dear Editor
For almost 80 years pundits and scholars have thought it hyperbolic to draw parallels between Nazi Germany and modern America, but Donald Trump echoed the Fuhrer recently, calling people “vermin,” and the cat is out of the bag.
The German people endured two decades of chaos, defeat in a grueling World War, hyper-inflation which wiped out the savings of the common man, and then the empty soup bowl of the Great Depression before they lent their ears to the promises of a demagogue.
Cynically manipulating the first tool of mass communication, the radio, the charismatic corporal sewed the German people with a sense of victim hood, incessantly asserting that their loss in the First World War was a fraud. “We were stabbed in the back!” he bellowed. Sound familiar?
21st century America is the Garden of Eden compared to Depression-era Germany. Building on the no-nonsense dedication of our ancestors, we live better than they did. The American lifestyle is the envy of the world. The imperfections of our society do not warrant the anger and revolutionary chatter emanating from the Republication leadership.
What accounts for the dramatic discontent of the 21st century Conservative? Are their expectations too high? Does their gullibility run too deep? Will future generations label the 1/6 Republican riot
“Woodstock 11,” noting the counter-cultural frivolity shared by Republicans and the flower children?