Letter to the Editor: In search of unity


To the Editor:
One of the problems of this sequence of events regarding the hospital partnership has been the division. There has been division between the two boards and within at least one of the boards. There is division within the community as well. The County Commissioners have been put between a rock and a hard place. As you present your final decision, I hope you can present it in a positive, united, informed manner.
When you announce your decision, I hope you can include facts for the reason that you made your decision, listing three reasons for choosing one partnership over the other and three reasons for not choosing the other, being transparent about your true motives for all to accept your decision as most responsible.
It is disconcerting to think that the physicians at PFCC have presented a strong recommendation for Mercy but they will not be governed by the specific Catholic guidelines of Mercy’s ministry as they will continue to be independent from the hospital. I do not understand.
Whichever partnership you choose, I hope you have looked at the details of the offers that impact patients and employees, both insurance coverage and services offered. If I were a younger woman looking for an OB-GYN, I would want someone who can provide ALL of the services that I need including those not allowed by the Catholic moral code. I would hope that the Mercy sponsored Catholic approved limited insurance would allow for me to seek services outside of the hospital if what the hospital offered was not a good fit for me.

I am concerned about the use of the word “ministry” in the literature from Mercy. It is my opinion that a community hospital should not have a religious affiliation which proscribes or limits provider services, when there is only one hospital in the community.
Whatever you decide, please present it as positive decision showing a united front.
I hope you can make a good decision for Perry County and bring the people of Perry County back together in the process.
Betty Phillips,