Letter to the Editor: Frustrated with society


I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated because of the hate, the rudeness, and the selfishness, that is becoming so prevalent in our country. I’m frustrated that people are so selfish and concerned about “my rights” that they refuse to consider the rights of those around them. I’m frustrated that our Republican and Democratic politicians have all resorted to name-calling, threats, and petty actions. I’m frustrated that our churches have fallen into playing politics instead of promoting values that actually represent what the Bible and Christ are about. I’m frustrated that our voters don’t actually research issues, they blatantly believe whatever garbage our politicians spew out.
Are my rights more important than the rights of those around me? Is it right for a sitting member of Congress to post a video depicting another member of Congress being murdered? Is it right for a member of Congress to use derogatory terms when referring to a country which is one of our strongest allies? Is it right for a sitting US president to actively seek to overthrow an election in which no evidence of widespread voter fraud has ever been discovered? Is it right for cities to defame law enforcement and defund them instead of giving them the right tools to do their jobs? Is it right for violent mobs to destroy private and small businesses to promote change? Is it right for political supporters to vandalize and attack our nation’s Capitol because of falsehoods they’ve been told?

Margie Maples,