Letter to the Editor: Continue to listen, research, represent


Dear Editor,
“Evil will flourish when good men turn an eye to blind! “
As an elected public servant I have lived by and urged others with that same responsibility to be open ( my number 573.513.2891) and accessible to the very people who live breathe and elected to cast a vote for you in our small but mighty county of Perry (Hazard).
When we shoulder the responsibility of serving our community it does not mean that all and the ultimate direction lies with us, no it means that when you sit on a BOARD you have continue to listen and research and represent your fellow Perry Countians they inform us, not we them!
A lower case “g” you shall not be, a g)od ....when we are elected we serve at the people’s pleasure not them serving ours.
The Citizens inform our conscience so that we may put the weight of their world on our backs and the fear they carry upon our shoulders so that we carry their burden to those that hold perceived “Power!”
With All Respect,
Keith Alexander Carroll