Dear Editor,
Are you an informed & truly committed citizen of this republic of ours? Do you believe that our nation historically has and should continue to embrace change/growth?
Do you know who our Senators are? Our states’ Representatives? How many our state has? How that’s determined? How many Supreme Court Justice’s the constitution stipulates? The actual origin of the 2nd Amendment? Do you know who/what is responsible for protecting our rights as citizens. Are we, in fact a democracy?
If you think about what you know/think you know about our heritage and history as a nation, from its origin until today; what has made you truly proud? What events do you feel epitomize what we are, or should strive to be as a nation?
Think about it:
The struggle for religious freedom of the puritans? The Salem Witch Trials?
Our Declaration of Independence? The Articles of Confederation?
Our Constitution as originally written?
Its amenability to be made more functional/perfect through our active and informed amendment of it, almost universally focused on providing us more and more freedom to function as thinking human beings?
Our embrace of, failure to turn away from slavery? Our treatment of blacks during the years of legal segregation? Our acceptance of ghettos in our cities? The homeless? Our treatment of/acceptance of minorities overall?
Our involvement in conflicts: the Indian wars, a variety of conflicts to foment or prevent regime change in Latin America or elsewhere, The Mexican War, The Civil War, World War 1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, Afghanistan?
Our seeming willingness to accept our children’s gun suicides, our expressed societal dysfunctionality through an embrace of drugs, untreated mental illness particularly epitomized by our unfathomable embrace of and focused distribution of weapons designed exclusively to kill our children, ourselves and our fellow human beings?