Letter to the Editor: Accolade


Dear Editor,
Superman, step aside. This time it was Superwoman who came to the rescue. She refused to just sit there and witness the death of a local tradition. Donning her blue cape, she flew down and swooped it up.
After the cape was back of its hanger she stepped forward as the new Director of the Annual Perryville Thanksgiving Dinner. Thank you, Superwoman. Thank you, Denise Waller.
A special ‘Thank you’ to everyone who donated money, food or their time and labor.
People like you is why so many of us are proud Perryville is our hometown.
The Thanksgiving dinner was delicious.
The cranberries, the pumpkin pie and the camaraderie made it a feast. While savoring the first few bites of turkey, dressing and sweet potatoes, the cold and hungry people of Ukraine fighting for their freedom flashed through my mind.
We Americans have so much for which to be THANKFUL.

Jim Maloney